Information for enrolled students

Welcome new students of the Master in HPC! This page will show you the essential information about the Master you are about to start.

Important dates:

The master will start on September the 10th, 2024. That day we will only have a presentation. On the 11th, we will oficially start the lectures.

Este calendario contiene el horario de todas las clases y exámenes. Para los estudiantes en modalidad online solo será necesario realizar en modalidad síncrona (no presencial) los exámenes de aquellas asignaturas que los tengan. Para ello será suficiente con un equipo básico de escritorio con buena conexión a internet.

This calendar contains the classes and exams scheduling. Those online students will only need to be virtually present during the period of exams. To complete the exams you will only need a basic personal computer with good Internet connection.


The Master have two main locations in two different cities: A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela:

Information and contact:

Besides this wiki, the Master have other sources of information:

Academic sites and contact:

During the course, we will be using two main tools:

  • The elearning platform of the Master where you will find the academic materials related to each course of the master
  • The masterhpc channel in Microsoft Teams, where you will receive notifications, warnings and will be able to contact directly to the academic staff of the master